Need a License for your job?

You Are Just Few Clicks Away From A Security Job License! Offering security training and SIA licensing for enthusiastic learners who wish to acquire the necessary skills to score eminent jobs and remarkable pay packages.

3 steps for achieving a license to go


Train With Us

Book your training with us in just a few simple clicks.


Attain the License

Get your licence and prepare yourself to join the UK’s security workforce.


Begin Thriving!

Find jobs with the UK’s number 1 security jobs board.


Professional Training & License

Get security trained and SIA licensed expeditiously. Build your chances to earn upto £2,500 a month, as the License opens doors to multiple job opportunities. Become a Security Officer, Door Supervisor or CCTV Operator, identifying your forte through professional guidance.


Rishi Richards
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License To Go genuinely proved to be a great place for training for security courses, and enabled me to land a job that paid me well enough, without much struggle.

Rishi Richards

John Doe
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I am currently working as a Door Supervisor at a well known shopping area, earning enough to live a comfortable life, and the credit for this job goes to License To Go.

John Doe

Jordan Camacho
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The trainers at License To Go have been helpful through and through, assuring that I get my training and license within no time and land a job as well! Ps: Professionalism at License To Go was an eye opener for me.

Jordan Camacho

Shelby Soto
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CCTV supervisor training at License To Go turned out to be quite interesting and easy and has already landed me a job at a decent company. Thank you team License To Go. You guys made everything so much easier for me!

Shelby Soto

Popular Courses


Door Supervisor Training

SIA Door Supervisor course is design to enable the learners to develop the skills necessary to land a job as a Door Supervisor anywhere. Completion of this course will life up the probability of earning of £2500-£3000 per month by working at various places such as corporate buildings, night clubs, bars, or commercial buildings, to name a few.


CCTV Operator Training

This course is designed to facilitate individuals in acquiring jobs as CCTV operators in malls, banks, airports, and other commercial building that may require human resource for security maintenance. With the completion of this course, you can begin to earn as much as £3,000 per month in a full-time shift.


Close Protection Officer Training

This training is specifically designed to enhance your skills as a security personnel, working to provide close protection to VIPs such as celebrities, or renowned businessmen, thus acting as their bodyguard. This job offers pay packages ranging from £200-£400 per day.


Security Guard Training

SIA Security Guard License is easily accessible through this course. This course enables individuals to work as security guards at all types of commercial offices, buildings, and events. As an SIA Licensed Security Guard working full-time, you might be able to earn as much as £2,500 per day.



This course is for all those individuals who may be seeking to renew their job license, after having worked as a Door Supervisor.



Anyone who may be working as a Security Guard currently can apply to this course for renewal of their license, to continue their job smoothly.

What Are you waiting For?
get your license now